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Billing License

Item Number: 10096479XX

Version 2.0

  • Manage and control communication fees and expenses
  • Generate revenues on Vingtor-Stentofon telephone calls
  • Easy to configure, set up, and install
  • User groups – default parameter settings for a group of users
  • Web-based user interface for easy administration and generation of invoices and reports
  • Enhanced security with Autogeneration of PIN codes and Backup/Restore functionality
  • Easy Wake-Up configuration

The Vingtor-Stentofon Billing application makes it possible to manage and administer the communication fees and expenses for your Vingtor-Stentofon ACM system. The application provides access authorization to external communication. The calling users will be identified based on PIN or subscriber number. Each user will have a set of authorization criteria such as credit line, user group, and trunk type, which determines if he/she will be granted access to external communication. Service accounts can be set up whereby several users with the same PIN code are given simultaneous access. Furthermore, users may be linked to extensions for calls that do not require PIN codes.

The Vingtor-Stentofon Billing application is a full billing system which allows you to generate revenues from your Vingtor-Stentofon system and to administer a set of billing scenarios. Fees can, for instance, be calculated based on carrier type, duration, called number, and time of day, while fee groups may be uploaded via a CVS file. Invoicing of users can be made either by using pre-paid or post-paid payment methods. An additional discount can also be made at the time of invoicing

The application has a user-friendly web interface, making the job of the billing administrator much easier. The administrator can use a standard Internet web browser to log onto the system. From the web browser, the administrator is able to:

Print billing invoices
Print and view usage reports
Change billing setup
Perform user administration such as setting up wake-up calls

Five different product versions are available with capacity from 2 to 32 external trunk lines, all catering to a maximum of 400 users.

Vingtor-Stentofon Billing Version 2.0 is only supported on AMC-IP board version 11 hardware.

Call authorization PIN code, Subscriber line
Trunk barring Block user access to : - certain satellite types - certain defined numbers - certain call areas
User authorization User name and password protected
Encryption Secure web access (HTTPS and SSL)
Reporting Web-based reporting tool, Various types of report generation, e.g. report per day per user, Fee status report
Invoicing Web-based invoicing tool
Billing administration Web-based administration tool
1009647902 Billing - 2 external trunks / 400 users
1009647904 Billing - 4 external trunks / 400 users
1009647908 Billing - 8 external trunks / 400 users
1009647916 Billing - 16 external trunks / 400 users
1009647932 Billing - 32 external trunks / 400 users
Date Name Category Size Document
8.11.2017 A100K10590 ACM Billing System Manual Manual 8.31 MB Download