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AlphaCom ICX-AlphaCom

DVTEL Latitude

The Latitude Network Video Management System (NVMS) is a fully scalable enterprise-class video management system.

This advanced network based system architecture enables simultaneous live monitoring from multiple stations and is easily configured for storage on and off site. The software can be configured to store and view from one to thousands of cameras and monitor connections across an unlimited number of servers.

About the Integration

Integration between DVTEL’s Latitude NVMS and AlphaCom is through the DVTEL-Zenitel software module, available from DVTEL. Data exchange between Latitude and AlphaCom is bi-directional; AlphaCom reports events to Latitude and Latitude can send commands to AlphaCom.

Integration benefits

An AlphaCom can be added to the Latitude system tree; Latitude will automatically query AlphaCom and retrieve information about all connected Zenitel intercom stations.
Automatic actions in Latitude can be configured for intercom station events.

Video Monitoring

Double-click or drag-and-drop Zenitel substations from the Control Center navigation tree to a tile. Substations with Latitude cameras show live footage.

Events and Actions

  • Zenitel station calls can be monitored in Latitude to trigger an alarm.
  • Each substation can be associated with a Latitude camera.
  • Substation alarm types are created by the integration.
  • Latitude alarms on Zenitel station calls.
  • Each substation has a Latitude camera.
  • Integration creates substation alarms.
  • Integrating Zenitel station calls activates DVTEL alarms. Once triggered, the substation camera is attached to the alarm to "See Live" on Control Center tile.
  • Modify the station Actions tab event to execute actions when accessible or inaccessible events occur.
  • Double-click or drag-and-drop Control Center navigation tree substations to a tile. Sensors with Latitude cameras display live camera views.
  • Zenitel calls allow Latitude activities.
  • Recording/Playback
  • If a substation call triggers an alarm, the camera will start recording, and a Control Center tile equipped for alarm will show a live image of the camera.


  • Users can create an AlphaCom server in Admin Center.
  • Users can view AlphaCom server and substations on Latitude trees.
  • Users can associate a camera to a substation.

Want to start integrating?