On storm-tossed offshore energy rigs, reliable communications are vital
In one of the world’s most challenging environments where workers fight the elements every day, secure and reliable communications are vital. That is why the new agreement between market-leading communications systems installer 4MS Network Solutions of Scotland and world-beating communications platform provider The Zenitel Group of Norway is creating waves across the United Kingdom’s offshore oil, gas and maritime sectors.

The UK still relies heavily on fossil fuels for energy, with crude oil at 35 per cent and natural gas at 32 per cent of the primary mix. During the January 2021 cold snap, wind turbines came to a virtual standstill, placing even heavier reliance on traditional energy sources. For the North Sea and Atlantic offshore oil and gas rigs and wind farms and the maritime services that support them, conditions can be life-threatening. The ability to communicate effectively and efficiently in all conditions—with fully integrated communications platforms that include intercom, public address and general alarm (PAGA) and two-way radio systems—is critical.
Zenitel develops, manufactures and markets audio and data communication systems and networks. The company provides its services to environments worldwide that require the protection of human life, property and assets. Its founding mandate, 120 years ago, was to provide the means for ships at sea to talk to shore stations in emergencies. Since then, it has devoted its efforts to allow people, through their technology, to hear, be heard and be understood every time.
Energy Specialists
4MS Network Solutions are experts in the design, installation and 24-hour, year-round support (24/7/365) of communications infrastructure, with broad experience in the energy and maritime industries, both offshore and on land. Poor Wi-Fi connectivity offshore has become a hot topic for crew welfare and staff retention. This agreement will allow them to provide state-of-the-art communications to key businesses. They guarantee to deliver projects in challenging environments on budget, to specifications and on time.
Among the latest technology that Zenitel will deliver for 4MS to install, service and support are the newest generation of robust headsets, designed and manufactured in Norway for the toughest and loudest applications, with ergonomic design, sealed switch boxes and noise-cancelling microphones.
One of Zenitel's core strengths in the maritime and energy world, where many existing vessels and rigs still have analogue installations, is combining traditional technology with enhanced solutions. Their technology will allow for full Internet Protocol (IP), wireless, 4G and 5G connectivity in the future. Their PAGA and intercom equipment easily integrates with third-party products, such as Motorola radios and closed-circuit TV (CCTV) cameras, providing fully integrated communications and safety installations for better and more connected operations.