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Item Number: 2220040032

Bergen Cabling - Industrial IP 67 2xRJ45 STP Cat.6A outlet

IP67 IP67

This Outlet is a Cat6A Screened for harsh environment with IP 67 impact for outdoor use. Comes complete loaded and with gland and 2x Cat.6A IP 67 connector. Fits together with our IP cords.IP67 to  IP67 or IP67 to IP20

Construction, Mechanical and Measurement
Dimension (HxWxD) 128x128x67mm
Connector Insertion / extraction life 750 Cycles minimum. IDC wire Gauge: 22-24 AWG
Front in stainless steel and back box in hard polylac ABS plastic. UL 94V-0
BC17-005 Bergen Cabling - Industrial Patch Cord picture


Bergen Cabling - Industrial Patch Cord IP67 to IP20 5m

BC-17-015 Industrial Patch Cord IP67 to IP67 5m picture


Bergen Cabling - Industrial Patch Cord IP67 to IP67 5m

BC-12-021 Industrial IP 67 1xRJ45 STP Cat.6A outlet picture


Bergen Cabling - Industrial IP 67 1xRJ45 STP Cat6A outlet

Date Name Category Size Document
MD-SDoC-2220040032-IHM-8003-41800-126869 Declaration 72.17 KB Login to download
2220040031 - BC-12/17-0xx.pdf Datasheet 490.19 KB Download