Radio Microphone Antenna Combiner Device
Radio Microphone Antenna Combiner Device
Wall Mount Sample and Hold Ambient Noise Sensor
Radio Microphone Antenna Whip and Bracket
Radio Microphone Antenna Ground Plane Threaded Post 10dB
Din Mount Battery Power Breaker - Up to 1* V2000
Mounting Bracket for the BDIST-V2000 - Up to 4* V2000
Battery Temperature Monitoring Probe for the V2000
PAVA Beacon Driver Unit
Din Rail Mount I/O Expansion Device
Battery Charging Unit including Mounting Tray - 130AH
Battery Charging Unit including Mounting Tray - 65AH
Wall Mount Dynamic Ambient Noise Sensor
Expansion Module for EMS20 with 30 buttons
DC End of Line Resistor - 10 Pack
Impedance End of Line Device - 10 Pack
Line Blocking Capacitor for 14W L/S 2.2uF - 10 pack