The power of Unified Critical Communication
Unification of critical communication technologies within physical security industry represents a paradigm shift in the way people and businesses communicate. Unification helps making a transition from traditional, siloed communication to more collaborative communication approach. Rather than relying on a single communication technology, Unified Critical Communications combines the strengths of a diverse range of technologies, while mitigating their individual weaknesses.

Improve Communication Resilience

Reduce response time

Reduce integration complexity

Easy Onboarding
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When multiple communication technologies are unified, it reduces your reliance on a single technology and therefore avoids service interruption due to a single technology failure. Imagine a scenario where the radio system is out of service in an industrial plant. Using fixed intercom panels, the security personnel can still communicate with the target audience and send emergency voice messages. In school settings, security personnel have the ability to deliver broadcast messages to intercoms inside the classroom, even if the bell system fails.

With improved collaboration possibilities among security personnel, control room operators, and staff, a unified critical communication platform helps to increase the situation awareness, ensuring everyone has the latest updates on a critical situation and therefore help to take coordinated response in case of an emergency.

By unifying important communications solutions, system integrators eliminate overall integration points. Reduced integration points simplify and manage system architectures, decreasing complexity and risk. Having fewer integration points reduces errors and downtime, improving system reliability.
Due to fewer components to maintain and support, fewer integration points save development, maintenance, and operating expenses. Maintaining and debugging fewer integration points is easier because there are fewer potential failure sites.

Since all information are united under a single user interface, operators are no longer needed to learn multiple systems and therefore reducing the on-boarding time of security operators. By unifying all critical communication under single user interface, you empower your operators by giving them the information they need to be more efficient, make better decisions, and respond to incidents faster.
Explore the benefits of unifying your critical communication
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