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PAVA system for train station | Holmestrand Station

Holmestrand train station is a station engineered into the mountainside of the Holmestrand municipality along a tunnel 12km in length. The client needed a PAVA system for train station. It had to deliver high STI levels in challenging, highly reverberant environments. The system also needed to offer proven reliability and performance without compromising full EN 54 compliance.

PAVA system for train station

PAVA system for train station

The Requirement

Holmestrand train station is a station engineered into the mountainside of the Holmestrand municipality along a tunnel 12km in length. The client needed a PAVA system for train station. It had to deliver high STI levels in challenging, highly reverberant environments. The system also needed to offer proven reliability and performance without compromising full EN 54 compliance.

The station hall is approximately eight hundred and seventy metres long. It is thirty metres wide and twelve metres high. Along with the double-track train line, it opened to the public in December 2016. The station provides the Holmestrand community with valuable high-speed inter-city links.

Zenitel partnered with Innotronic of Scandinavia and SAC Sweden AB. They delivered a comprehensive EN54-certified public address and voice alarm system (PAVA system for train station) at Holmestrand station.

Engaged by Bane NOR, the design, supply, installation, and commissioning of the new EN54-compliant PAVA system at Holmestrand station harnessed many of the disciplines Zenitel offers customers.

The Solution

The solution at Holmestrand station provides audio routing between twelve analogue inputs and twelve analogue outputs. The VIPEDIA-12 includes provision for sixty-four internally stored Digital Voice Announcement messages. It also hosts Zenitel’s VIPA long-line public address software. Four VIPEDIA-12 audio routers were locally linked. This provided routing from any or all of their inputs to a total of forty-eight zone outputs. All were configured via an Ethernet network.

Integral to the operation of the PAVA system at Holmestrand station is Zenitel's VIPA software suite. This software operates across Bane NOR’s network of train stations. It runs on Zenitel hardware at every station with Zenitel IPAM and VIPEDIA installed hardware. VIPA software provides audio-over-IP, routing control, and fault reporting capability. It operates between Bane NOR’s Control Centre and all remote train stations, including Holmestrand.

The Result

The successful introduction of the new VIPEDIA product range at Holmestrand is inspiring other stations across Bane NOR’s network. Installations are underway at Oslo Airport’s Gardemoen train station

Key information

Zenitel Solutions
Public Address and Voice Alarm

Key Products

Market segment
Rail Infrastructure

End customer
London Continental Railways (LCR)

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